One Sunny Weekend in Squamish With My Buddy Susie…


A few weekends ago, during a rare sunny two day here in Squamish -- June is seldom sunny, we often refer to it as Junuary -- one of my dearest buddies Susie, and I, got feeling all silly with the bountiful sunshine. After full days of cragging both Saturday, and Sunday, we made a little jaunt up the Apron in the setting sun to enjoy moving fast over rock.

One thing led to another, and our giddy states resulted in a rather fabricated "trip report" of our ascents of the Apron. The renaissance man himself, Rich So, produced this rather engaging, and hilarious trip report, of which I want to share with you all now.

You'll find it here, on Rich's blog. And, if you happen to be my buddy on Facebook, well there was an absurd posting frenzy over the weekends activities. You might get a laugh or two if you take a peek there as well....

In watermelon sugar.



I Quit My Job.


Workin’ 9-5